Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dear Diary: It's Late and There's Nothing to Do at Work

Exactly, so I am researching diet-friendly cookbooks on Barnes and Noble's website preparatory to buying one.  I have been a very bad person diet-wise lately, especially the last couple of days.  Today alone I ate 2 mini Crunch bars, a bowl of ice cream, orzo, wheat bread, cheese, and a bag of M&M's.  Not good for a non-gluten, non-dairy, sugar-free diet.  Only 3 weeks in, too!  And I need to do this if I ever want to feel good again, like I used to.  So I took steps.

One, I'm going to make myself responsible, by setting penalties for breaking the diet and by appointing the bro as keeper of the rules.  They'll go something like if I break my dietary rules I'm not allowed to shop that week and I'm banned from looking at clothes-shopping websites.  That shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm sort of going through a fashion and shopping craze here, so I think it will be effective.  Plus I will make reports to the brother so that I have someone to hold me accountable. 

Two, I'm going to get a diet-friendly cookbook so I can LEARN how the heck to cook (er, should I say prepare, since some/alot of this stuff has to be raw?) food this way.  Hence the Barnes and Noble, looking for that perfect cookbook which is going to make this program possible for me.  Sigh.  There are ALOT of books, but I will be sure to let you know when I get one.  I have several interesting ideas so far, I'm just scared they're going to multiply into a completely unmanageable amount, but enough with the negative talk!  This is fun and I'm going to find a good one!

I've learned something already:  Stay away from things describing themselves as 'paleo' or 'primal'.  Apparently there is a school of thought that we should eat like our hunter/fisher cavemen ancestors.  WTF?  I completely rebel against anything that rejects the entire civilisation humans have built throughout history.  If we're going to eat like cavemen, maybe we should just go back to living like cavemen, too.  I mean, seriously.  Anyhoo, so I think that steers me more towards the vegan line of cooking.  This is okay.  I can always add meat if I want to.  Meat isn't an issue.  Dealing with vast amounts of vegetables while avoiding eggs, dairy, and gluten is.  I'm basically a meat-eating vegan, during this diet.  That doesn't really make sense, does it?  Love the paradox!  Ha ha, enough of that.

The Search for Sock continues (yes, intentionally made that resemble a certain Star Trek title).  I did find them at Target, but they were mostly out, but they had existed at one point because there were labels on bins!  I also found other store possibilities, particularly  Not particularly cheap, but amazing colours!  So, want crazy tights and socks and don't want to search all over the place, go there.  In other news, checked out Old Navy's website, and they have lots and lots of wide-stripe t-shirts in cool colours, which is another thing on my list, and now another addition to my wishlist!

I think this is enough of a post for the night (after all, must get back to my cookbook research).  Tomorrow is a big day.  It is my birthday, yes, but that's not all.  I'm singing in a concert tomorrow, but that's also not all, and certainly not most important.  What is most important?  Zack Greinke pitching Game 1 of the NLCS.  More on him later.

Good night, y'all!

Gwyneth B.
Lives in KC, still a Greinke fan.  You should be, too. 

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